If you`re looking to lease a commercial property, it`s important to have a well-written and comprehensive lease agreement in place. A lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, protecting both the landlord and the tenant. In this article, we`ll discuss a sample commercial property lease agreement and the important clauses you should include.

Basic Information

The first section of a lease agreement should include basic information, such as the names of the parties involved, the property`s address, and the start and end dates of the lease term. It`s important to be as specific as possible in order to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings later on.


The rent section of the lease agreement should outline the amount of rent due, how and when it should be paid, and any penalties for late payments. This section should also include any additional fees, such as utilities or maintenance costs, that the tenant will be responsible for.

Use of Premises

This section outlines how the commercial property may be used, as well as any restrictions on use. For example, if the property is zoned for commercial use, the tenant may not be able to use it for residential purposes. Additionally, the lease agreement may include restrictions on how the property may be altered or modified.

Security Deposit

A security deposit is typically required for commercial leases, and this section should outline the amount of the deposit, how it will be held, and any conditions for its return. It`s important to have clear guidelines in place to avoid disputes later on.

Maintenance and Repairs

The maintenance and repairs section will outline the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant in terms of property upkeep. This may include routine maintenance tasks such as landscaping and cleaning, as well as repairs to major systems such as HVAC or plumbing.


The termination section outlines the circumstances under which either party may terminate the lease agreement. This may include non-payment of rent, violation of lease terms, or other breaches of the agreement. Additionally, this section may include terms for early termination, such as a fee or notice period.


A well-written commercial property lease agreement is essential for protecting both the landlord and the tenant. By including important clauses such as those outlined above, you can ensure that your agreement is comprehensive and effective. Be sure to work with an experienced attorney to draft your lease agreement and ensure that all legal requirements are met.