The Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil, also known as the `Ponnu Pathu`, is a traditional agreement followed in Tamil Nadu during weddings. It is an essential document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both the bride and groom families. This agreement is considered a sacred document and is signed by both families before the wedding ceremony.

The Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil is a legal document that highlights the financial aspects of the marriage. The agreement sets out the amount of money the groom`s family must pay to the bride`s family for the wedding. The agreement also includes the details of the `Muhurtham` or the auspicious time of the wedding, which is decided based on astrological calculations.

The Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil is executed before the wedding to prevent any misunderstandings between the two families. It includes the details of the wedding, such as the date, time, and location, along with the agreed-upon terms and conditions. Additionally, the agreement also includes the promises and vows made by the bride and groom families to each other.

The Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil also includes the responsibilities of the bride and groom families. It lays out the role of each family member in the wedding and post-wedding ceremonies. For example, the agreement might specify who would be responsible for inviting guests, arranging food, and decorations.

As a professional, it is important to note that the Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil is a valuable cultural tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. In today`s modern era, the significance of the agreement remains unchanged. It is still considered a binding legal document that serves as a reminder of the promises made by both families.

In conclusion, the Nichayathartham agreement in Tamil is an essential document that ensures a successful wedding ceremony. It outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both the bride and groom families, as well as the financial aspects of the marriage. The agreement is a vital cultural tradition that continues to hold immense value in Tamil Nadu and beyond.